Clinical Supervision
We’re indebted to Bonnie L. Bain at the School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin, Texas; Texas Addiction Technology Transfer Center; and Center for Substance Abuse Treatment for their permission to use extensive material on clinical supervision presented here.
Learning Objectives
Upon completing the course you'll be able to:
- Review various definitions of clinical supervision.
- List at least four purposes of clinical supervision.
- Identify strengths and potential challenges of individual supervision.
- Discuss the history, philosophy and functions of supervision and provide your own definition of supervision.
- Explain why it is important to integrate theory with clinical material in supervision.
- Enumerate the differences between modalities, philosophy of practice and practice theory.
- List the functions and components of a theory of supervision.
- Discuss various values–service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, competence–and corresponding ethical principles as embodied in the NASW Code of Ethics.
- Discuss social workers’ ethical responsibilities to clients in the following areas: commitment to clients, self-determination, informed consent, competence, conflicts of interest, privacy and confidentiality, access to records, sexual relationships, payment of services, termination of services, etc.
- Discuss social workers’ ethical responsibility to colleagues, in practice settings, as professionals, to the social work profession, and to the broader society.
- Introduce newer concepts of making organizations work efficiently and list several sources for management ideas.
- Identify three ways that administrators can manage diversity in positive ways.
- Explain what “value clash” means within an organization and indicate ways supervisors can address this problem.
- List eight principles of excellence that organizations should adhere to.
- Enunciate 9 principles for human service managers.
- List 5 conditions that are frequently seen in organizations and agencies that are experiencing cutbacks in funding, and describe managerial strategies to deal with this challenge.
- Describe what managers and supervisors can do to keep from losing valuable employees during time of shrinking budget within their agency.
- Recognize two types of diversity-related problems that can happen within an organization and identify three symptoms that can serve as warning signs to managers and supervisors.
- Describe 5 ways that managers can positively manage diversity within an organization.
- List 4 questions that supervisors should ask themselves regarding diversity in their agency.
- Describe the advantages of Powell and Shulman’s supervision models.
- List and describe 3 levels of counselor development.
- List and describe 3 levels of supervisor development.
- List 6 role tasks for a clinician and administrator.
- Describe the relationship between the first role task and the systems perspective.
- Describe the Double Matrix Model of Supervision.
- List 6 modes in the Double Matrix Model and briefly describe each.
- List and briefly describe the 4 elements in a model of clinical supervision.
- Discuss various models of supervision associated with several leading schools of therapy within a historical context.
- Provide 3 ethical and legal concerns that are central to supervision.
- Describe dual relationships and how they are problematic.
- Explain how issues of professional credibility influence supervision and the supervisor’s role in this process.
- Describe vicarious liability and how a supervisor can take steps to protect herself/himself against ethicaland legal consequences.
- List 4 advantages and 2 disadvantages of group supervision.
- Identify and briefly discuss 5 aspects to consider when arranging group supervision.
- Briefly describe peer supervision and list 4 format principles.
- Compare and contrast group supervision and team supervision.
- Explain the two hazards of a student-supervisor relationship.
- Describe the two consequences of a dysfunctional student-supervisor relationship and explain how they can be avoided.
- Briefly describe three tasks/skills of a supervisor outlined by Shulman.
- Identify three characteristics of adult learners and explain why it is important for supervisors to be knowledgeable about them.
- Define a “mutual aid group.”
- List four skills of contracting in the beginning phase.
- Describe the phases that take place from beginning to end of supervision.
- Identify various workplace skills in supervision and describe their role in supervisor training.
- Describe the skills of sessional tuning-in and sessional contracting.
- List four requirements for effective learning in supervision.
- Identify 7 mutual aid processes in which an effective staff group can provide help to workers.
- Define parallel process in a supervisory relationship.
- Identify five principles of leadership for successful organizations and illustrate how you might implement them in your agency.
- Help make your agency a great place to work using the process described here.
- Help your staff deal with losses related to their professional roles.
- When the supervisor leaves his/her position, prepare the staff for the transition and pave the way for the new supervisor.
- List 3 essential elements of the relationship of supervision.
- List and describe 3 phases of the supervisory relationship.
- Identify 5 dimensions of the supervision interview.
- Explain the relational power and show its application in supervision with women.
- Describe the Interpersonal Circumplex and explain how the Complementarity Theory relates to it.
- Describe three methods for determining the needs of staff.
- Enunciate three general principles in assessing counselors in supervision.
- List some of the reasons for the importance of supervisors preparing competent and self-assured social workers and describe two strategies that can help achieve this goal.
- Distinguish between administrative and practice evaluations and describe how they are related.
- Identify three meeting management techniques and discuss your experience as a staff member in meetings in your agency and your experience chairing meetings.
- Outline five recommendations you would make to your administrative superiors to enhance risk management for you and your agency.
- Describe four supervisory techniques for helpful and non-threatening criticism.
- List six risks that are present in most social work agencies.
- Describe four ways of managing risks in social work agencies.
- List ten basics for a good educational assessment and explain why it is an important tool in supervision.
- Explain why reading is important for both the supervisor and the supervisee.
- List five important techniques for managing time.
- Describe three general functions of supervision intervention.
- List various work-related stressors for supervisors.
- Differentiate between must and can interventions and provide examples for each type.
- Provide guidelines for must and can interventions by a supervisor.
- List several routine characteristics of a game played by either a supervisor or supervisee.
- Identify various games played by supervisors and supervisees and their hidden meanings.
- Describe the drama triangle to explain the psychological games played by clients, social workers and supervisors.
- Describe the mirroring/parallel process and transference/countertransference.
- Identify strategies for dealing constructively with unhealthy processes in supervision.
Evaluation of Individual Objectives
To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and return it to us with your completed exam.
Course Outline
Introduction to Clinical Supervision
Introduction to Clinical Supervision
Approaches to (Modes of) Clinical Supervision
- Strengths and Potential Challenges of Individual Supervision
- Strengths and Potential Challenges of Group Supervision
Clinical Supervision Interpersonal Skills
- Simple Reflective Model (Gibbs amended)
- Interpersonal Process Recall (Kagan, Adapted By Stern)
Functions of Supervision
History and Philosophy of Supervision
Theories and Values of Supervision
Reading Outlines: Module I
- Theory Application
- Theory and Supervision Interaction
- Guidelines for Applying Theory to Clinical Material
- Use of Theory Study Questions
- Values
- Values and Knowledge
- Ethics
- Ethics Knowledge
- Values and Ethics Study Questions
Code of Ethics National Board for Certified Counselors
- Section A: General
- Section B: Counseling Relationship
- Section C: Counselor Supervision
- Section D: Measurement and Evaluation
- Section E: Research and Publication
- Section F: Consulting
- Section G: Private Practice
- Appendix: Certification Examination
NBCCÒ Standards for the Ethical Practice of Clinical Supervision LMFT Code of Ethics
- Responsibility to Clients
- Confidentiality
- Professional Competence and Integrity
- Responsibility to Students, Employees, and Supervisees
- Responsibility to Research Participants
- Responsibility to the Profession
- Financial Arrangements
- Advertising
- Advertising Using AAMFT Designations
Code of Ethics NASW Code of Ethics
Ethical Standards
Code of Ethics LPC Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics LCDC Code of Ethics
Ethical Decision Screens
Knowledge Survey for the NASW Code of Ethics
Importance of Understanding Management
Value Clash
Reading Outlines and Study Questions: Module II
- Changing understandings of supervision
- Environmental changes
- Technology
- Continuing necessity of bureaucracy
- Psychology of workers and managers
- Popular Management Concepts
- TQM- Total Quality Management:
- Peters and Waterman’s Eight Principles of Excellence
- Concepts of New Management Study Questions
Reading Outlines: Module II
- Managerial Strategies
- Dealing with Staff
- Managing Organizational Decline study questions
- Recognizing Diversity-Related Problems
- Increasing Sensitivity and Valuing Differences
- The Effects of Diversity on Service Delivery
- Managing the New Multicultural Workplace Study Questions
- Equity vs. Complementary Contributions
Models of Supervision
Reading Outlines and Study Questions: Module III
- Supervision
- Worker-System Interaction
- An Interactional Approach to Supervision Study Questions
- Levels of Counselor Development
- Levels of Supervisor Development
- A Developmental Approach to Supervision Study Questions
- The Personal Perspective
- Systems Perspective
- The Elizabeth Blackwell Health Center for Women
- Blackwell as a Social System
- Making the Shift
- Making the Shift from Practice to Administration Study Questions
- Mode One: Reflection on the Content of the Therapy Session
- Mode Two: Focusing on Strategies and Interventions
- Mode Three: Focusing on the Therapy Process
- Mode Four: Focusing on the Supervisee’s Countertransference
- Mode Five: Focusing on the Supervisory Relationship
- Mode Six: Focusing on Supervisor’s Own Countertransference
- Linking the Model to a Developmental Perspective
- A Process Model of Supervision Study Questions
- Blueprint for a Model
- Philosophical Foundation
- Descriptive Dimensions
- Stage of Development
- Contextual Factors
- The Blended Model in Historical Perspective
- Building a Model of Clinical Supervision Study Questions
- Dual Relationships
- Professional Credibility
- Supervisee Ethics
- Legal Liability for Supervisors
- Ethical and Legal Concerns Study Questions
- Group Supervision
- Supervision Style
- Team Supervision
- Traps or Games of Some Peer Groups
- How to Form a Peer-Supervision Group
- Organizing a Peer-Supervision Meeting
- Group, Team, and Peer-Group Supervision Study Questions
A Proposed Structure For the Provision of Group Supervision
- Hazards of the Student-Supervisor Relationship in Clinical Training
- Student Inexperience with the Supervisory Experience
- Evaluation of the Supervisory Relationship
- Implications for the Profession
- Violations of the Supervisory Relationship Study Questions
- Questions From the Chapter
- Questions From Readings
Module IV: Supervisory Skills/Learning Styles
Supervisory Skills
Learning Styles
Reading Outlines and Study Questions - Module IV
- Supervision and the Phases of Work
- The New Supervisor
- Affirmative Action in Promotion and Hiring
- Supervisory Beginnings With New Workers
- Preparatory and Beginning Skills in Supervision Study Questions
- Beginning Skills Development
- Educational Function of Supervision Study Questions
- Dynamics of Supervisory Work With Staff Groups
- Mutual Aid Processes
- Beginning Phase in Groups: The Contracting Process
- Supervisor’s Role
- Developing a group culture
- Individual in the group
- Conflict in the group
- Authority Theme: Supervisor Relationships
- Ending Phase-in Groups
- Supervision of Staff Groups Study Questions
- Using Direct Practice Skills in Administration Study Questions
- Questions From the Chapter
- Questions From Readings
Module V: The Supervisory RelationshipParallel Process
Professional Boundaries
Three Elements of the Supervisory Relationship
Reading Outlines and Study Questions – Module V
- Supervision as an Intermediate Area
- The Therapy-Supervision Dialectic Study Questions
- Interpersonal Structure
- Phases of the Relationship
- The Supervisory Contract
- The Relationship of Supervision Study Questions
- An Interactional Model for Empowering Women Study Questions
- Determining the Needs of Staff
- Methods for Determining Needs of Staff
- Trainee’s Learning Experience and Role Expectations
- Key Issues in Clinical Supervision Study Questions
- The Current Environment
- When Problems Seem Overwhelming Study Questions
- The Worker’s Ending Experience
- Ending a Negative Relationship
- The Supervisor’s Ending Experience
- Supervisory Endings and Transitions Study Questions
- Assignments: Module V
- Questions From the Chapter
- Questions From Readings
Module VI: Tools and Techniques
Powell’s Twelve Core Functions of Supervisors
- Educational and Professional Assessment
- Supervisory Contracting
- Time Management
- Supervisory Liability
- Reading Outlines and Study Questions – Module VI
- Educational Assessment
- Case Material
- Level of Knowing and Technique
- Continuity
- Treatment Patterns
- Mechanics of Technique
- Overcoming Difficulty
- Technical Difficulty
- Questioning Technique
- Contracting as a Technique
- Reading as a Technique
- Latent Supervision
- Supervisor Resistance
- Guidelines
- Techniques in Supervision Study Questions
- Evaluation of Practice Study Questions
- The Context of Supervision
- Methods of Observation
- Special Supervisory Environments
- Case Presentations
- Three Additional Teaching Techniques in Supervision
- Main Themes or Content Areas of Supervision
- Basic Supervisory Techniques Study Questions
- Five Myths of Time Management: (Supervisors should recognize and reject these myths.)
- Time Management Techniques
- Managing Time in the Organizational Setting Study Questions
- Liability Issues in Social Work Supervision Study Questions
- The Individual Case Conference Methods and Techniques Study Questions
- Supervisors Can Burn Out Too Study Questions
- Questions From the Chapter
- Questions From Readings
Dealing With Difficulties in Supervision
Must and Can Interventions
- Must Interventions
- Can Interventions
Identifying Unhealthy Processes in Supervision
- Game Playing in Supervision
The Drama Triangle
- Mirroring, Parallel Process and Transference/Countertransference
- Mirroring/Parallel Process
- Transference and Countertransference
- Strategies for Dealing Constructively with Unhealthy Processes In Supervision
- Guidelines in Relation to the Supervision/Therapy Dialectic
- References and Recommended Reading
"The material was excellent! Also, I really liked and appreciate that the material is in book form. This allows for easy referral in the future."