List of Courses

To see NASW-approved courses, click here.

Florida mandatory courses: Medical Errors - 2 hours; Ethics - 3 hours; Domestic Violence - 2 hours every third biennium

Explanation of Online Availability:
NCourse text and test are not available Online
YCourse text and test are both available online
Y (Test Only)Course test available online only
CClassroom Only

Course Categories

Ethics and Law
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnline Online Course No.
7830Controversial, Issues in Social Work: Ethics Values and Obligation NASW approved.*1264.95NN/A
7150Critical Incidents: Ethical Issues in the Prevention and Treatment of Addiction
Course Outline & Objectives
863.95Y (Test Only)97150
7810Ethical Decision Making in Social Work, Robinson et al. NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7315Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family TherapyNASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1279.95Y (Test Only)97315
7814Ethics in Plain English
Course Outline & Objectives
872.95Y (Test Only)97814
7812Ethics in Social Work*
Course Outline & Objectives
7318The Ethics of Professional Practice NASW, NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
870.95Y (Test Only)97318
7540HIPAANEW! NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
7900Legal and Ethical Dilemmas NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
Counseling (NBCC)
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnline Online Course No.
7150Critical Incidents: Ethical Issues in the Prevention and Treatment of Addiction
Course Outline & Objectives
7810Ethical Decision Making in Social Work, Robinson et al. NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7315Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1279.95Y (Test Only)97315
7814Ethics in Plain English
Course Outline & Objectives
872.95Y (Test Only)97814
7812Ethics in Social Work*
Course Outline & Objectives
7318The Ethics of Professional Practice NASW, NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
870.95Y (Test Only)97318
7900Legal and Ethical Dilemmas NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7535Anger Management NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
860.95Y (Test Only)97535
7205Anxiety and Depression NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7204Anxiety Disorders and Phobias: A Cognitive Perspective NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
869.95Y (Test Only)97204
7525Assertiveness NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
656.95Y (Test Only)97525
7703Assessing and Treating Culturally Diverse Clients NBCC Approved
Course Outline & Objectives
659.95Y (Test Only)97703
7241Binge-Eating Disorder: Clinical Foundations and Treatment
Course Outline & Objectives
664.95Y (Test Only)97241
7253Bipolar Disorder NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7135Brief and Extended Interventions in Sexual Abuse
Course Outline & Objectives
871.95Y (Test Only)97135
7228Chemical Dependency NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7300Child Abuse NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7706Child Abuse and Culture NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
764.95Y (Test Only) 97706
7335Child and Adolescent Counseling NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
869.95Y (Test Only)97335
7305Child and Adolescent PsychopathologyNBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7285Child Protective Services: A Guide for Caseworkers
Course Outline & Objectives
660.95 Y97285
7270Childhood Maltreatment
Course Outline & Objectives
652.95Y (Test Only)97270
7259Chronic Pain
Course Outline & Objectives
459.95Y (Test Only)97259
7630Clinical Supervision NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline &Objectives
7636Clinical Supervision: A Competency-Based ApproachNBCC, NASW approved*869.95NN/A
7635Clinical Supervision by CohenNBCC approved.*
Course Outline &Objectives
665.95Y (Test Only)97635
7330Codependency NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7340Cognitive Behavioral Therapy NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
864.95Y (Test Only)97340
7354Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for General Anxiety Disorder
NBCC approved.*
7345Cognitive Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
663.95Y (Test Only)97345
7352Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7130Counseling Families with Chronic Illness NBCC Approved Course Outline & Objectives463.95Y (Test Only)97130
7242Counseling for Eating Disorders NBCC Approved
Course Outline & Objectives
664.95Y (Test Only)97242
7243Counseling Skills NBCC approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
861.95Y (Test Only)97243
7125Counseling the Aging & Their Families659.95NN/A
7701Cultural Competence NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7700Culturally Competent Practice NBCC NASW approved.*769.95NN/A
7331Diagnosis Made Easier NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
667.95Y (Test Only)97331
7103Domestic Violence (Florida mandatory)*
Course Outline & Objectives
212.00Y (Test Only)97103
7233Domestic Violence NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7261Drug Addiction Counseling NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7225Eating Disorders NBCC, NASW approved.* Course Outline & Objectives637.95Y97225
7276Eating Disorders (Advances in Psychotherapy)NBCC approved.* Course Outline & Objectives459.95Y (Test Only)97276
7314Essential Skills in Family Therapy NBCC approved.* Course Outline & Objectives865.95Y (Test Only)97315
7230Family Violence NBCC, NASW approved.* Course Outline & Objectives1067.95Y (Test Only)97230
7500For Women Only NBCC, NASW approved.* 642.95Y97500
7715Foster Care NASW approved.* Course Outline & Objectives659.95Y (Test Only)97715
7211Handbook of Psychiatric Emergencies NBCC, NASW approved.* Course Outline & Objectives1260.95Y97210
7254Heart Disease NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
454.95Y (Test Only)97254
7007HIV/AIDS NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7515How You Can Help Your Patients to Stop Smoking NBCC, NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
545.95Y (Test Only)97515
7850Human Sexuality .NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1065.95Y (Test Only)97850
7310Inside Family Therapy: A Case Study in Family Healing NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1279.95Y (Test Only)97310
7100Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy NBCC, NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
7704Interviewing Clients Across Culture
Course Outline & Objectives
1069.95Y (Test Only)97704
7610Managing Difficult Patients NBCC, NASW approved. Course Outline & Objectives646.95NN/A
7365Master Your Panic and take back your life NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
855.95Y (Test Only)97365
7011Medical Errors
Course Outline & Objectives
7720Mental Health NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
659.95Y (Test Only)97720
7725Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General*
Course Outline & Objectives
7154Mental Illness451.95NN/A
7267Motivating Substance Abusers to Enter Treatment
Course Outline & Objectives
668.95Y (Test Only)97267
7702Multicultural Aspects of Counseling769.95NN/A
7200Psychiatric & Mental Health Care NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7375Rebuilding when your relationship ends NBCC approved*
Course Outline & Objectives
1056.95Y (Test Only)97375
7072Reconcilable Differences NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
861.95Y (Test Only)97072
7280Role of Mental Health Professionals in the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect NBCC approved
Course Outline & Objectives
Course Outline & Objectives
457.95Y (Test Only)97255
7145Self-Disclosure in Psychotherapy NBCC approved
Course Outline & Objectives
775.95Y (Test Only)97145
7070Sex Matters For Women NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1062.95Y (Test Only)97070
7264Sexual Violence (Available Fall 2009)459.95Y (Test Only)97264
7325Short-Term Couple Therapy NBCC, NASW approved.* Course Outline & Objectives1065.95Y (Test Only)97325
7090Sleeping Disorders NBCC. NASW approved. Course Outline & Objectives857.95Y97090
7260Social Anxiety Disorder
Course Outline & Objectives
459.95Y (Test Only)97260
7050Stress Management Increasing your stress resistance (Brehm)NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7040Stress Management (Ruthstiver) NASW Approved*
Course Outline & Objectives
653.95Y (Test Only)97040
7220 Substance Abuse NBCC, NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
7262Substance Use Problems
Course Outline & Objectives
459.95Y (Test Only)97262
7142Suicidal Behavior
Course Outline & Objectives
869.95Y (Test Only)97142
7140Suicide: Implications for Counselors NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
873.95Y (Test Only)97140
7620Supervisory Skills
Course Outline & Objectives
7380Taking Charge of ADHD*
Course Outline & Objectives
757.95Y (Test Only)97380
7110The Therapist's Guide to Psychopharmacology
Course Outline & Objectives
869.95Y (Test Only)97110
7263Treating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Psychotherapy Practice NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
862.95Y (Test Only)97263
7265Treating Substance Abuse
Course Outline & Objectives
873.95Y (Test Only)97265
7141Treating Suicidal Behavior NBCC, NASW approved.*873.95NN/A
7105Treatment for Chronic Depression NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1069.95Y (Test Only)97105
7510Women's Health NBCC, NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
7495Women's Mental Health*865.95NN/A
7206You Can Beat Depression NBCC approved*
A Guide to Prevention and Recovery
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7085Aging and Long-Term Care Calif. Mandatory*355.95Y (Test Only)97085
7103Domestic Violence (Florida mandatory)*
Course Outline & Objectives
212.00Y (Test Only)97103
7011Medical Errors
Course Outline & Objectives
Substance Abuse
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7085Aging and Long-Term Care Calif. Mandatory*355.95Y (Test Only)97085
7103Domestic Violence (Florida mandatory)*
Course Outline & Objectives
212.00Y (Test Only)97103
7011Medical Errors
Course Outline & Objectives
Chemical Dependency
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7228Chemical Dependency NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7352Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7261Drug Addiction Counseling NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7515How You Can Help Your Patients to Stop Smoking NBCC, NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
545.95Y (Test Only)97515
7267Motivating Substance Abusers to Enter Treatment
Course Outline & Objectives
668.95Y (Test Only)97267
7220Substance Abuse NBCC, NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
7262Substance Use Problems
Course Outline & Objectives
459.95Y (Test Only)97262
7263Treating Alcohol and Drug Problems in Psychotherapy Practice NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
862.95Y (Test Only)97263
7265Treating Substance Abuse
Course Outline & Objectives
873.95Y (Test Only)97265
7505Women Alcohol & Drug AbuseNBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
Cultural Competency
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7703Assessing and Treating Culturally Diverse Clients NBCC Approved
Course Outline & Objectives
659.95Y (Test Only)97703
7706Child Abuse and Culture NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
764.95Y (Test Only)97706
7701Cultural Competence NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7700Culturally Competent Practice NBCC NASW approved.*769.95NN/A
7704Interviewing Clients Across Culture
Course Outline & Objectives
1069.95Y (Test Only)97704
7702Multicultural Aspects of Counseling769.95NN/A
7359Spanish Immersion for Health Professionals
Course Outline & Objectives
7358Survival Spanish for Social Workers, Counselors, and MHPs
Course Outline & Objectives
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7352Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Smoking Cessation NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7204Anxiety Disorders and Phobias: A Cognitive Perspective NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
869.95Y (Test Only)97204
7340Cognitive Behavioral Therapy NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
864.95Y (Test Only)97340
7354Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for General Anxiety Disorder NBCC approved.*867.95NN/A
7345Cognitive Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
663.95Y (Test Only)97345
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7135Brief and Extended Interventions in Sexual Abuse
Course Outline & Objectives
871.95Y (Test Only)97135
7850Human Sexuality NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1065.95Y (Test Only)97850
7070Sex Matters For Women NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1062.95Y (Test Only)97070
7264Sexual Violence (Available Fall 2009) 459.95Y (Test Only)97264
Pain Management
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7259Chronic Pain
Course Outline & Objectives
459.95Y (Test Only) 97259
7490Managing Pain Before It Manages You
Course Outline & Objectives
759.95Y (Test Only)97490
Family and Social Issues
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7135Brief and Extended Interventions in Sexual Abuse
Course Outline & Objectives
871.95Y (Test Only)97135
7706Child Abuse and Culture NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
764.95Y (Test Only)97706
7103Domestic Violence (Florida mandatory)*
Course Outline & Objectives
212.00Y (Test Only)97103
7300Child Abuse NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7285Child Protective Services: A Guide for Caseworkers
Course Outline & Objectives
7270Childhood Maltreatment
Course Outline & Objectives
652.95Y (Test Only)97270
7330Codependency NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7233Domestic Violence NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7314Essential Skills in Family Therapy NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
865.95Y (Test Only)97315
7230Family Violence NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1067.95Y (Test Only)97230
7310Inside Family Therapy: A Case Study in Family Healing NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1279.95Y (Test Only)97310
7375Rebuilding when your relationship ends NBCC approved*
Course Outline & Objectives
1056.95Y (Test Only)97375
7072Reconcilable Differences NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
861.95Y (Test Only)97072
7280Role of Mental Health Professionals in the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect NBCC approved
Course Outline & Objectives
7325Short-Term Couple Therapy NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1065.95Y (Test Only)97325
Course Outline & Objectives
7295Social Worker's Guide to Child Abuse and Neglect*859.95 Y (Test Only)97295
Mental Health
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7535Anger Management NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
860.95Y (Test Only)97535
7205Anxiety and Depression NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7525Assertiveness NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
656.95Y (Test Only)97525
7211Handbook of Psychiatric Emergencies NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7365Master Your Panic and take back your life NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
855.95Y (Test Only)97365
7720Mental Health NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
659.95Y (Test Only)97720
7725Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General*
Course Outline & Objectives
7154Mental Illness451.95NN/A
7200Psychiatric & Mental Health Care NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
Course Outline & Objectives
457.95Y (Test Only97255
7141Treating Suicidal Behavior NBCC, NASW approved.*873.95NN/A
7105Treatment for Chronic Depression NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1069.95 Y (Test Only)97105
7495Women's Mental Health*865.95NN/A
7206You Can Beat Depression NBCC approved* A Guide to Prevention and Recovery449.95NN/A
7250Treating Bipolar Disorder
Course Outline & Objectives
1073.95Y (Test Only)97250
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
Course Outline & Objectives
457.95Y (Test Only)97255
7105Treatment for Chronic Depression NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
1069.95Y (Test Only)97105
7206You Can Beat Depression NBCC approved* A Guide to Prevention and Recovery449.95NN/A
7250Treating Bipolar Disorder
Course Outline & Objectives
1073.95Y (Test Only)97250
7241Binge-Eating Disorder: Clinical Foundations and Treatment
Course Outline & Objectives
664.95Y (Test Only)97241
7253Bipolar Disorder NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7242Counseling for Eating Disorders NBCC Approved
Course Outline & Objectives
664.95Y (Test Only)97242
7225Eating Disorders NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7276Eating Disorders (Advances in Psychotherapy)NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
459.95Y (Test Only)97276
7090Sleeping Disorders NBCC. NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
7260Social Anxiety Disorder
Course Outline & Objectives
459.95Y (Test Only)97260
7380Taking Charge of ADHD*
Course Outline & Objectives
757.95Y (Test Only)97380
7256ADHD in Children and Adults
Course Outline & Objectives
457.95Y (Test Only)97256
7252Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Abramowitz
Course Outline & Objectives
455.95Y (Test Only)97252
7240Overcoming Binge Eating NBCC Approved*
Course Outline & Objectives
856.95Y (Test Only)97240
7370Panic Disorder
Course Outline & Objectives
Social Work Ethics and Theories
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7295Social Worker's Guide to Child Abuse and Neglect*859.95Y (Test Only) 97295
7262Substance Use Problems
Course Outline & Objectives
459.95Y (Test Only)97262
7142Suicidal Behavior
Course Outline & Objectives
869.95Y (Test Only97142
7140Suicide: Implications for Counselors NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
873.95Y (Test Only)97140
7705Resource Directory for Social WorkersNo CE199.95NN/A
7841Social Worker's Guide to Public Benefits Programs NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
7290Supervising Child Protective Services Caseworkers*
Course Outline & Objectives
7275Working with the Courts in Child Protection
Course Outline & Objectives
Practice Management
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7145Self-Disclosure in Psychotherapy NBCC approved
Course Outline & Objectives
775.95Y (Test Only)97145
7724Managing Mental Health Practice871.95NN/A
7640Team Building*
Course Outline & Objectives
847.95Y (Test Only)97640
Course No.Course TitleContact HoursPriceOnlineOnline Course No.
7495Women's Mental Health*865.95NN/A
7254Heart Disease NBCC approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
454.95Y (Test Only)97254
7100Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy NBCC, NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
7050Stress Management Increasing your stress resistance (Brehm) NBCC, NASW approved.*
Course Outline & Objectives
7040Stress Management (Ruthstiver) NASW Approved*
Course Outline & Objectives
653.95Y (Test Only)97040
7510Women's Health NBCC, NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
7082Gerontology NASW approved*
Course Outline & Objectives
1267.95Y (Test Only)97082
7060Healthy Immune System NASW approved.
Course Outline & Objectives
7235Nutritional Disorders of Children
Course Outline & Objectives
434.95Y (Test Only)97235

* This course is designated "clinical" as defined by the Association of Social Work Boards Model Social Work Practice Act.