Learning Objectives
After completing this course you’ll be able to:
- Describe 4 purposes of an oral examination.
- Classify hand instruments in 6 categories.
- Describe the purposes and functions of explorer, mirror and cotton pliers.
- Draw symbols to describe a variety of conditions existing in the month.
- Abbreviate terms used to describe a variety of conditions in the mouth.
- Describe step-by-step the process of extraoral examination.
- List the armamentarium used in intraoral examination.
- List various conditions to observe in the course of intraoral tissue examination.
- Describe step-by-step the process of intraoral examination.
- List 8 findings that are recorded during periodontal examination.
- List various terms commonly used to describe condition of the periodontium and their meaning.
- Explain the process of assessing gingival health.
- Describe the process of probing the periodontium.
- Contrast the manual periodontium probing with the automated system.
- Show the charting method used to describe the mobility of teeth.
- Fill out, as an exercise, the examination record of a patient with a variety of oral conditions.
- Define occlusion and describe the occlusion examination.
- Explain the need and importance of radiographic examination.
To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and return it to us with your completed exam.
Course Contents
- Examination Process
- Classification of Dental Instruments
- Examination Instruments
- Explorer
- Mirror
- Tissue/Cotton Pliers or Forceps
- Charting Oral Conditions
- Extraoral Examination
- Conducting an Extraoral Examination
- Intraoral Examination
- Intraoral Tissue Examination
- Soft Tissue Examination
- Periodontium Examination
- Observing Gingival Health
- Probing the Periodontium
- Probing the Furcation
- Determining Mobility
- Teeth
- Occlusion
- Examining the Occlusion
- Radiographic Examination
- Interpretation
- Pediatric Oral Examination
- Stop and Think