Anatomy of Facial and Oral Structures
1. Anatomy of Facial and Oral Structures
Basic Terminology
- General Reference Terms
- Body Planes
- Body Components
- Terms of Position
- Planes
- Bony Elevations
- Bone Depressions and Channels
- Joints
- Muscles
- Cranial Bones
- Facial Bones
Cranial and Facial Bones of Primary Interest in Prosthetic Dentistry
- Cranial Bones of Primary Interest
- Facial Bones of Primary Interest
Particular Features of Cranial and Facial Bones
- Frontal Bone
- Parietal Bones
- Temporal Bones
- Sphenoid Bone
Palatine Bones
Zygomatic Bone
The Mandible
The Hyoid Bone
Muscles of Mastication
- Masseter
- Temporal
- Internal Pterygoid
- External Pterygoid
Depressor Muscles
- Mylohyoid Muscle Attachments Sites
- Geniohyoid Muscle Attachment Sites
- Digastric Muscle Attachment Sites
Muscles of Facial Expression
- Orbicularis Oris
- Quadrates Labii Superioris Muscle
- Zygomaticus Muscle
- Caninus Muscle
- Risorius Muscle
- Quadrates Labii Inferioris Muscle
- Triangularis Muscle
- Mentalis Muscle
- Buccinator Muscle
General Overview
Mucous Membrane
- Mucous Membrane of the Alveolar Process
- Mucous Membrane of the Hard Palate
Upper Jaw
- Alveolar Process
- Alveolar Ridge
- Maxillary Tuberosity
- Hamular Notch
- Palate
- Incisive Papilla
- Rugae
- Median Palatine Raphe
- Vibrating Line
- Palatine Fovea
- Labial Frenum
- Buccal Frenum
- Sulci
Lower Jaw
- Alveolar Process
- Retromolar Pad
- Buccal Shelf
- Mental Foramen
- Frena
- Sulci
- Floor of the Mouth
The Tongue
- Intrinsic Muscles
- Extrinsic Muscles
Salivary Glands
- Major Salivary Glands
- Minor Salivary Glands
Temporamandibular Joint Structure
- Glenoid Fossa
- Articular Eminence
- Condyle
- Articular Disc
- Synovial Cavities
- Synovial Membrane and Associated Synovial Fluid
- Capsule
- Auxiliary Ligaments
Basic Mandibular Movements
- Opening and Closing
- Protrusion and Retrusion
- Right and Left Lateral
2. Dental (Tooth) Anatomy
Groups of Teeth
- Maxillary or Mandibular
- Right or Left
- Anteriors or Posteriors
Names of Teeth
- Anteriors
- Posteriors
Number Substitutes for Names of Teeth
Structure of the Teeth and Supporting Tissues
- Teeth
- Supporting Structures of the Teeth
Crown Morphology (Contours)
- Tooth Surfaces
- Distinctive Crown Convexities and Concavities
Proximal Surface Contact Characteristics
- Contact Points or Areas
- Embrasure
Occlusal Surface Outlines of Posterior Teeth
- Circular Rounded in Outline
- Rectangular
- Trapezoid
- Rhomboidal
Maxillary Central Incisor
Maxillary Lateral Incisor
Maxillary Cuspid
Maxillary First Bicuspid
Maxillary Second Bicuspid
Maxillary First Molar
Maxillary Second Molar
Mandibular Central Incisor
Mandibular Lateral Incisor
Mandibular Cuspid
Mandibular First Bicuspid
Mandibular Second Bicuspid
Mandibular First Molar
Mandibular Second Molar
Learning Objectives
After completing the course, you’ll be able to:
Anatomy of Facial and Oral Structures
- Define general reference terms (anterior and posterior, internal and external) and body planes (sagittal, frontal, transverse).
- Identify cranial and facial bones of the skull.
- Describe particular features of cranial and facial bones.
- Identify various bones and processes of the maxilla and mandible.
- Provide an overview of the muscles of mastication and depressor muscles of the mandible.
- Identify muscles of facial expression.
- Provide a general overview of the intraoral soft tissue anatomy.
- List the two muscle groups which make up the tongue and describe their respective functions.
- Identify major and minor salivary glands, their locations in the mouth and duct openings.
- Describe the temporomandibular joint structure and various basic mandibular movements.
Dental (Tooth) Anatomy
- Classify teeth into various groups.
- Provide numerical substitutes for names of teeth.
- Describe the structure of the teeth and supporting tissues.
- Distinguish between the gingiva and attached gingiva.
- Distinguish between various surfaces of a tooth.
- Name the coronal features of teeth.
- Identify proximal surface contact characteristics.
- Define contact points or areas and embrasure.
- Distinguish among occlusal surface outlines of posterior teeth.
- Describe each individual tooth.
To assess the effectiveness of the course material, we ask that you evaluate your achievement of each learning objective on a scale of A to D (A=excellent, B=good, C=fair, D=unsatisfactory). Please indicate your responses next to each learning objective and return it to us with your completed exam.