Course Outline
The object of this course is to give the dental assistant a review of dental procedures she or he is currently performing in the dental office. It is assumed here that the dental assistant has been working for two-plus years and is knowledgeable about the dental office routine. This course will deal with techniques and problem-solving areas the dental assistant faces every day.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course you’ll be able to:
- Define a true cyst versus a pseudocyst.
- Distinguish between odontogenic cysts and non-odontogenic cysts.
- Distinguish between the relative growth potential of different jaw cysts.
- Predict which cysts need careful follow-up because of potential recurrence.
- Recognize clinical presentation of the different cysts.
- Recognize radiographic presentation of the different cysts.
- Know which anatomical sites are likely locations for various cysts.
- Know the appropriate treatment for the different cysts.
- Prepare sedative dressing.
- Perform coronal polishing of patient’s teeth.
Course Contents
Dental Assisting I
- First Contact
Operation of Dental Radiographic Equipment
- Areas of Concern
- Dosimeter Badge
Developing X-rays by Sight Method
Taking the X-ray
- Third Molar X-ray Technique
- Maxillary Posterior Teeth
- Bisecting-Angle Technique
- Anterior Periapical Incisal X-ray
- Bitewing X-ray
- The Finger-Roll Method of Placing the Bitewing X-ray
Dental X-rays for Children
- Rule of Thumb
- Possible Problems
- Monster Face Technique
- Occlusal X-ray
- Lateral X-ray
- Important Points
- Possible Problems
- Mounting X-rays
- Tray Technique
Chairside Assistance
- Review
Anesthetic Injections
Rubber Dam Placement
- Materials
Amalgam Preparation
Matrix Band
- Materials
Sedative Dressing
- Amalgam
- Rules of the Road
Temporary Sedative Dressing
- Materials
- Procedure
- Possible Problems
Prophylaxis – Coronal Polishing
- Materials
- To Review
- Possible Problems