Minor Oral Surgery in Dental Practice

By: John G Meechan (Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine Section Editor)

About the Authors

John Meechan is a Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Oral Surgery at the School of Dental Sciences at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. He has taught minor oral surgery to undergraduate and post-graduate students for over 20 years and has been Consultant in Administrative Charge of the Oral Surgery and Dental Emergency Clinics at Newcastle Dental Hospital.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

  1. Define minor oral surgery and list examples from Table 1-1.
  2. Discuss considerations to avoid medico-legal problems.
  3. Discuss patient assessment beginning with introduction.
  4. List the three reasons for referral.
  5. Describe the American Society of Anesthesiologist’s fitness scale.
  6. Discuss operative pain control.
  7. Describe flap raising.
  8. Compare the various types of sutures.
  9. Discuss the four principles of management of infection.
  10. Discuss non-steroidal analgesics.
  11. Compare the therapeutic use and prophylactic use of antibiotics.
  12. Compare elevators and forceps.
  13. List the stages of tooth extraction.
  14. Discuss surgical extraction.
  15. Discuss the impacted tooth.
  16. List the risks of an untreated impacted tooth.
  17. Describe the five steps for removal of an impacted tooth.
  18. Discuss removal of the canine teeth.
  19. Describe complications of impacted teeth.
  20. Define apicectomy and list the contraindications.
  21. Discuss why surgery may fail and the success of repeating surgery.
  22. Discuss tissue sacrifice and flap reposition.
  23. State why bone removal is not justified at the time of exodontia.
  24. Discuss guided bone regeneration.
  25. Compare the buccally advanced flap and palatal rotation flap.
  26. Describe odontogenic, non-odontogenic, and inflammatory cysts.
  27. Discuss oral lacerations and the treatment.
  28. Compare excisional and incisional biopsies.
  29. Describe a fixed and fresh specimen.

Course Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Patient Assessment
  3. Principles of Minor Oral Surgery
  4. Pharmacology and Minor Oral Surgery
  5. Extraction of Teeth and Roots
  6. Management of Impacted Teeth
  7. Surgical Endodontics
  8. Surgery as an Aid to Orthodontics
  9. Implants and Surgery to Facilitate Prosthetic Dentistry
  10. Minor Oral Surgery and the Antrum
  11. Management of Cysts
  12. Management of Dento-alveolar Trauma and Oral Lacerations
  13. Biopsy Techniques and Management of Intra-oral Lacerations
  14. Management of Complications and Emergencies