Painless Injection

Course Outline

The painless technique described in this article was developed and given to thousands of patients over a span of forty years. The nature of dentistry is part art form and part technical skill. This article will give you the technical side of giving a painless injection, but the art portion will need to be developed individually.

As in all art and technical skills there’s a range of abilities. How well you accomplish the particular technique of giving a painless injection will depend on your ability and patience. It is recognized that there’s always the possibility of injecting anesthesia into a vessel or cause injury to a nerve. This technique does not guarantee that this will not occur. It is the dentist’s responsibility to take precautions to avoid injury when he gives the painless injections.

We’ll be using #27 gauge needles to allow easy flow of the anesthetic throughout the technique. The #30 gauge restricts flow and does not add to the pain-free aspect of the process.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:

  1. Practice the psychological approach to giving an injection to an adult.
  2. Practice the psychological approach to giving an injection to an older child.
  3. Practice the psychological approach to giving an injection to a very young child.
  4. Demonstrate a working method of giving a painless injection.
  5. Demonstrate the technique for a block injection.
  6. Demonstrate the technique for an infiltration injection.
  7. Describe how to give a painless injection into hard tissue.
  8. Describe how to give a painless mental nerve block injection.
  9. Demonstrate the technique for injecting exfoliating deciduous teeth that do not allow an infiltration technique.
  10. Demonstrate the correct way to recap a needle point.

Course Contents

The Psychological Approach to Giving an Injection

  • The Adult
  • The Older Child (five-to-twelve years)
  • The Younger Child (three-to-five-years)
  • When Is a Patient Numb?

The Painless Injection

The Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Injection

  • The First Injection
  • The Second Injection
  • The Third Injection

The Infiltration Method of Injection

  • The First Injection
  • The Second Injection
  • The Third Injection

Injections into Hard Tissue (Gingiva) After the Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block is Given

Injections into Hard tissues After the Tooth is Numbed by the Infiltration Method

  • Maxillary Teeth
  • Mandibular Anterior Teeth

Mental Block Injection

Injecting Exfoliating Deciduous Teeth

The Bent Needle vs the Straight Needle

  • The Bent Needle
  • Straight Needle

The Correct method of Replacing the Plastic cover
