Dental Management of the Hyperactive Patient

Course Outline

This course will give you several methods of handling an hyperactive patient. The reason for the patients’ hyperactivity will vary, but most of them will fall into a few categories. These include panic attacks, fear, lack of discipline, etc.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course you’ll be able to:


  1. List several theories as to why some of us suffer panic attacks.
  2. State how to recognize the person who is having a panic attack.
  3. List rules of the road when caring for a panicky child.
  4. Describe a fainting episode.
  5. Describe the frightened child and the care required.
  6. List rules of the road when distracting a child.
  7. Describe care for the child between two and eight years of age.
  8. Describe care for the child from seven to twelve years of age.
  9. State how you will know if the patient is numb.
  10. Describe direct induction.
  11. Describe indirect induction.
  12. State methods of deepening the hypnosis.
  13. Describe regression.
  14. Describe the first, second and third injection for the alveolar nerve block.
  15. List the rules of the road when giving an inferior alveolar nerve block.
  16. Describe the infiltration method of injection.
  17. Describe an injection into the gingival after an inferior alveolar nerve block has been given.
  18. Discuss rules of the road for injections into hard tissue after using the infiltration method.
  19. Describe the mental block injection.
  20. Compare the bent and straight needle.

Course Contents

Panic Attack

Recognizing the Possibility of a Panic Attack

Child Is Okay, but the Parents Are Panicking

  • Rules of the Road
  • Fainting
  • Frightened Children


  • Rules of the Road

Older Children from Seven to Twelve

The Apprehensive Child

  • Rules of the Road for the Older Child

When Is a Patient Numb?



The Hypnosis Induction and Regression

  • Inductions

Deepening the Induction

  • Dropping the Arm
  • Test

Other Deepening Techniques

  • Regression
  • The Painless-Injection Technique

The Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block Injection

  • Rules of the Road

The Infiltration Method of Injection

Injections into Hard Tissue after the Inferior Alveolar Block Is Given

Injections into Hard Tissues after the Tooth Is Numbed by the Infiltration Method

  • Rules of the Road

Mental Block Injection

  • Rules of the Road

Injecting Exfoliating Deciduous Teeth

  • Rules of the Road

The Bent Needle versus the Straight Needle