Eating Disorders

Learning Objectives

After completion of the course you’ll be able to:

  1. Describe the prevalence of eating disorders in the United States and Identify population groups most affected by them.
  2. Describe the causes of eating disorders in terms of personal, genetic and environmental, biological, psychological, family, social, and trigger factors.
  3. Describe the behavioral patterns of someone with an eating disorder in terms of food, appearance, exercise, thinking and emotions.
  4. Describe the medical complications of eating disorders.
  5. Describe the etiology of anorexia nervosa and list its 5 typical signs.
  6. Describe bulimia nervosa and list its 5 typical signs.
  7. List 6 signs of binge eating disorder.
  8. Distinguish between bulimia and binge eating disorders.
  9. Identify diagnostic characteristics of binge eating disorder.
  10. Describe the complications of binge eating.
  11. Describe the treatment options for someone with a binge eating disorder.
  12. Define six most common eating disorders, provide their characteristics and danger signs and identify the population group affected.
  13. Distinguish between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
  14. Provide the diagnostic characteristics and nursing interventions for each of the six eating disorders.
  15. Identify eating disorders that are officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association.
  16. Explain the national obsession with being thin and the impact advertising and entertainment media have on young men and women.
  17. Provide at least 4 nursing interventions to a teenager who may be dangerously dieting and exercising to be thin.
  18. Describe the treatment protocol for eating disorders and present treatment options in terms of hospitalization, medication, and therapy.
  19. Explain the complex interaction of emotional and physiological problems in eating disorders.
  20. Describe the role of individual psychotherapy, family therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of eating disorders.
  21. List four general kinds of antidepressants, provide names of available drugs under each category and their success in the treatment of bulimia nervosa.
  22. Explain the popularity of prozac as an antidepressant drugs.
  23. Describe the role of antidepressants in the treatment of anorexia nervosa and compulsive overeating.
  24. Provide help–in terms of referrals, resources and understanding–to an eating disorder patient.
  25. List 8 things to do and 9 things not to do while helping the patient.
  26. Formulate questions to ask of a potential therapist.
  27. List resources and sources of information to help an eating disorder patient.
  28. Formulate an action plan with specific guidelines for friends and relatives of people with eating disorders.
  29. Write and say several examples of “I" and “You" statements that may help or hurt the patient.
  30. Define various population groups who are trying to lose weight.
  31. List 5 reasons for which Americans try to lose weight.
  32. List 7 commons methods used for weight loss.
  33. Discuss various weight loss methods with respect to their effectiveness in facilitating weight loss.
  34. Discuss short- and long-term benefits and adverse effects of weight loss.
  35. Discuss fundamental principles that should be used to select a personal weight loss and control strategy.
  36. List four factors that should be considered in evaluating a weight loss method program.
  37. Specify and discuss at least 6 major areas for future research on weight loss and control.
  38. Discuss the impact of group pressure in the development of eating disorders among young women.
  39. Distinguish between the pattern of eating disorders between men and women.
  40. Identify the causes and characteristics of eating disorders among men.
  41. Describe the behavioral pattern of an exercise addict.
  42. Identify the similarities between the profile of an exercise addict and that of a bulimic or an anorexic.
  43. List 5 telltale signs of exercise addiction.
  • Chapter 1. Eating Disorders
  • Chapter 2. Recognizing Eating Disorders
  • Chapter 3. Guide to Eating Disorders
  • Chapter 4. An Obsession With Painfully Thin
  • Chapter 5. Treatment of Eating Disorders.
  • Chapter 6. Helping the Person With An Eating Disorder
  • Chapter 7. What Should I Do?
  • Chapter 8. Methods for Voluntary Weight Loss and Control
  • Chapter 9. The Pressure To Be Perfect
  • Chapter 10. The Pressure To Lose Weight
  • Chapter 11. "I Am An Exercise Addict"
  • Reference List of Books
  • Appendix A
  • Appendix B Eating Disorders Bookshelf
  • Post-Test